
CJ Lecture Series Background

This online lecture series is a tribute to Prof. Calestous Juma who is an internationally recognized authority in the application of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to sustainable development especially in developing countries. His work focused on analysing how knowledge and innovation could be harnessed for development in the context of institutional change in socio-economic systems. All his initiatives promoted this agenda through advanced STI policy research, especially biotechnology; provision of high-level science and technology advice; and promotion of the conservation of biological diversity. He founded African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) in 1988 where his initial developmental ideas were nurtured. ACTS has become a leading Intergovernmental STI policy Think Tank and mandated to strengthen the capacity of African countries and institutions to harness STI for sustainable development. It is for this reason that ACTS has purposed to keep his dream alive by creating a platform that elicits discussion around knowledge and innovation for development. We aim to keep the discussion focused and therefore the topics for the seminar series will be centred on Prof. Juma’s previous works. These lecture series will be held once every three months and will culminate to ACTS-CJLF conference in early 2022.

The lecture series is open to a wide range of stakeholders including (i) policy makers from the countries in the region and the experts from the Continent’s Regional Economic Communities like COMESA and AUDA with the responsibility of formulation and implementation of relevant innovation and other industrial policies for sustainable and inclusive industrialization (ii) key stakeholders with the responsibility of STI (iii) representatives from the universities, the industry, Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) and other sectors of the civil society (CBOs) involved in innovation and development matters.

Calestous Juma Legacy Found (CJLF) and African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) re-igniting Africa industrialization through inclusive knowledge and innovation, lecture series 01

Day 1 Speakers

Re-igniting Africa industrialization through innovation

Prof. Alfred Oteng-Yeboah
Chair, ACTS Governing Council
Africa Development Bank (AFDB)
Prof. Tom Ogada
Executive Director, ACTS
Prof. Maureen Mackintosh
Open University, UK
President, CJLF
Kenya Diaspora Alliance
Executive Director, CJLF
University of Johannesburg
ACTS, Governing Council
University of Sussex, UK
University of Pretoria
Prof. Rasmus Lema
Aalborg University

Day 2 Speakers

Renewable electrification and industrialization in developing countries: New pathways

Dr. Margrethe Holm Andersen
Aalborg University
University of Johannesburg
University of Turku, Finland
Prof. Rasmus Lema
Aalborg University
Dr. Charles Nzila
Moi University, Kenya
Baca Development Partners
Faith Wandera
Ministry of Energy, Kenya

About CJLF

The Calestous Juma Legacy Foundation (CJLF) is a U.S. based non-profit foundation, founded in 2019 to foster policies, programs and projects to develop and utilize technological innovation in education, public health, and in advancing the application of science and technology in economic transformation and sustainable development, particularly in Kenya, Africa, and developing countries. The initial focus of the Foundation’s work will be on Calestous Juma’s hometown of Port Victoria, Bunyala District, Kenya, on the shores of Lake Victoria.


CJ Seminar Series Proceedings
