CJ Lecture Series Background
The lecture series is open to a wide range of stakeholders including (i) policy makers from the countries in the region and the experts from the Continent’s Regional Economic Communities like COMESA and AUDA with the responsibility of formulation and implementation of relevant innovation and other industrial policies for sustainable and inclusive industrialization (ii) key stakeholders with the responsibility of STI (iii) representatives from the universities, the industry, Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) and other sectors of the civil society (CBOs) involved in innovation and development matters.
Calestous Juma Legacy Found (CJLF) and African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) re-igniting Africa industrialization through inclusive knowledge and innovation, lecture series 01
Day 1 Speakers
Re-igniting Africa industrialization through innovation
Day 2 Speakers
Renewable electrification and industrialization in developing countries: New pathways