Calmette Ariane


My name is Ariane HOUETOHOSSOU. I am a PhD student in biometry at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) since October 2020. I am working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in agronomy to detect stress on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). I previously obtained a Master's degree in Biostatistics with the objective of using multivariate longitudinal data analysis to evaluate growth patterns of maize (Zea mays) in Benin. For my bachelor's degree in agronomy, I explored the population ecology of a key agroforestry species, Detarium microcarpum. This experience allowed me to discover some basic statistical tools and made me want to start a master's in biostatistics. After obtaining my master's degree in biostatistics, I assisted in statistical consultations at LABEF. My research interests include AI, data science, algorithm optimization, mixed effects models, and ethnobotany.

Project Summary
